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The Truth About Sales Funnels...
Written by Christina Rowe on October 1st, 2017
So, you most likely have heard by now of “Sales Funnels” but you may be thinking “what the heck is a sales funnel and do I really need one?”

The answer is YES. You need a funnel whether you are a service provider, author, coach, in direct marketing, own a brick and mortar business, are an affiliate marketer or own an online store. Funnels work for ALL types of businesses 

If you want to increase your revenue and get more clients and customers then you need a funnel as part of your marketing strategy. Sale funnels are designed to take your prospects through an automated, precise process designed to lure them into your marketing system on auto pilot.

Think of it a bit like fishing. First you would put your “bait” on your fishing pole. You would choose the type of bait to attract the kind of fish you want to catch. You would also go fishing where the fish that you want are swimming, whether that is a lake, a river or an ocean.
Sales funnels work in a similar way. You offer your prospect something of value...a free ebook, product, service or greatly discounted coupon offer to get them to give you their email addresses on the first page of your funnel.

Then once, they have ‘opted in” you can “upsell” them something of value at a low, one time only price.

In the meantime, emails will be automatically sent to them in a series over several days giving them great free content, coupons or other items of value depending on your business type.

You can even add an additional “upsell” for a higher ticket item after they have purchased the lower priced one-time offer.

Now you are building a relationship with your potential new client or customer who will then have more trust and faith in your business knowing you are a legitimate business that provides exceptional value and service.

The trick is...just like in our fishing example...knowing where to share to your sales funnel and who to show it to. You want to dangle your offer in front of highly targeted prospects on a social media channel where they are already “hanging out”.

This requires knowing where your tribe is on social media. There are many demographics you can find to see where your peeps are if you do not know already but the best bet for most businesses is Facebook.

You can reach almost anyone through Facebook and Facebook is now ranking neck and neck with LinkedIn for use by business owners, CEOs. marketing directors, etc.

By using Facebook Ads in conjunction with a sales funnel, you have a winning formula of siphoning new leads into your funnel and then converting them into new clients and customers.

So where do you start?

You will first need a funnel for your business. There are two online platforms that I recommend for building sales funnels. Click Funnels and BuilderAll. I have created free video tutorials for both platforms to walk you through building your own sales funnel.

Confused as to which platform to choose?

Click Funnels is an amazing platform for sales funnels, webinars, membership sites and more. It starts at 97.00 per month. You can get my free training, a free starter funnel and 2 weeks free at Click Funnels by going here

BuilderAll is the “new kid on the block” and does everything Click Funnels and has a few other cool marketing features like Facebook Apps, E-Learning platform, a built in Autoresponder, etc. It is only 29.99 per month right now through the link here and includes a free training. It is in Beta and has some glitches to work through.

My advice is that if you are on a budget and 97.00 is too much to spend monthly, then go with BuilderAll. Do hire someone if you are not tech savvy or watch my how to tutorials.

However, in my opinion, Click Funnels is a more user friendly and streamlined so it will always be my first choice for my clients. They have recently made upgrades to Click Funnels that make it easier than ever to build your own funnels without having to hire a designer.

I have created a brand new FREE training on How to Build a Funnel in Click Funnels with 4 Step by Step Tutorial Videos AND I am also giving you the actual funnel template I use in the training with a FREE 2-week trial to Click Funnels. Get access now here.

Not techy and need help? I also offer one on one funnel building strategy sessions where we build your funnel together, live, via live stream, in real time. Book a free 15-minute business strategy session with me here so we can discuss how we may work together.
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Sales Funnel Success Coaching Program 
Are you struggling with creating a lead generation capture system that upsells your products and services on auto pilot?
Build your Click Funnels Sales Funnel with me, real time...during virtual "get it done" coaching sessions.

Christina Rowe

 is a social media and online marketing specialist who helps entrepreneurs get more clients and make more sales using the latest social media, branding, online marketing and PR strategies and techniques.