Step #1: Contact Information
Full Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Step #2: Billing Address
Street Address:
State / Province:
Zip Code / Postal Code:


Step #3: Check out
Item Price
$197 every month
$197 every month
$970 per year
$970 every year
$97 a month
A charge of $97 or $197.00 will occur every 30 days or $970 yearly. A cancellation form MUST be submitted 7 days PRIOR to your next billing date. If you submit a cancellation request AFTER the 7 days notice, you will be billed for the following month, no exceptions.We reserve the right to collect past-due payments on any credit cards on file. There are no refunds. By joining the Stand Out Online Membership Program, you adhere to these guidelines and understand the terms and conditions.

YES! I understand I get all this and more, every month, for the low price of only  $197.00 per month.(Lite membership for $97 a month includes only 1 post per week and No FB Lives).

Large Call to Action Headline

Item amount
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
By selecting this box, I understand that a charge of $97.00 or  $197.00 will occur every 30 days for the monthly membership OR $970 yearly if the annual membership is selected. I understand a cancellation form MUST be submitted 7 days before my next billing date. If I submit a cancellation request AFTER the 7-day notice, I will be billed for the following month, with no exceptions. We reserve the right to collect past-due payments on any credit cards on file. I understand that there are no refunds, and any past-due balances must be paid. By joining the Stand Out Online Membership Program, I adhere to these guidelines and understand these terms and conditions.

An email will be sent to you with ALL of the membership information shortly after order completion. If, for any reason, you do not receive it, please email
Disclaimer - *No incomes or results can be guaranteed for any customer. We give you access to promote your business to over 1 million women entrepreneurs across our social media platforms. Your results will depend on the quality of your posts and Facebook Lives. We provide training and guidance as to what is working now. The Facebook and social media algorithms determine how much interaction and engagement you will receive on your posts and FB Lives. Testimonials and screenshots are given as examples only. Incomes earned, my personal results, and any other inferences to successes achieved are not represented as guarantees of anyone's success.
Please note: Email addresses are immediately processed once entered.

Secure Payment

All orders are through a very secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy...
Stand Out! Media Group LLC - All Rights Reserved - Terms Of Service
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